
Major Volume 1 Revision

Glorious Revision of Spectacular Goodness

Much has been learned in the years since publishing Volume 1. As I continue to develop Runge, Ramy, and the other characters of Riesel Tales while I write Volume 2, I find that their initial depiction is inaccurate. TV Tropes would refer to this as "Early Installment Weirdness," and it is something I would like to avoid dealing with if the book ever hits mainstream.

Slight spoilers ahead!

The revision mostly affects the story of First. Runge was way out of character when he blew up at Ramy, and the motivating factor of his phobia of biological warfare sounds better for a later story. I replaced that scene with one filled with sarcastic banter that they are better known for.

The final scene of First was also significantly modified and extended. Runge no longer apologizes for his now-nonexistent blowup. Instead, he and Ramy have a much more in-depth interaction with the thug they encounter in the hangar.

Also within First, I made note of Narsaph's name rather than leaving him as simply "the Kalasi." The lowly Zaxadin operative received a name as well: Ted VenVonavo. That name adds a bit of lore, in that the "-avo" suffix is common for Sirukti family names originating in the Ahjri nation of Kalant Kyto (hence Runge Margavo). Its origin traces back to Kalantrin noble houses, acting as a genitive modifier that basically means "of the House." Thus, VenVonavo refers to the House of VenVon, and Margavo the House of Marg. Also, Ted's fur color is now teal, as per the cool colors of Sirukti. The original was tan, which is common for the earthy-colored Lonkapi.

Club Gig received a lot of cleanup with minimal rewriting, but I did change the scene with Ramy shoving a drunk Runge into the Salona. Without going into spoilers, she's now much stronger as per her physique. It has been lovingly dubbed as the Ripped Ramy Update.

Reprisal received a lot of cleanup with minimal rewriting. Sig now sounds big in his introductory scene as per the Big Sig Update.

Lonely Tenant received some cleanup with very minimal rewriting.

And finally, the Smashwords version of RTTH V1 can now be read halfway through for free.