Questionnaerial Assault

This is a questionnaire thing I did on deviantArt. Fun!

Totally had to do this for the characters of my book, Riesel Tales: Two Hunters. Behold: everyone's favorite loopy bounty hunter duo Runge and Ramy answer a questionnaire.


1. What is your name?

Runge: Runge Margavo. Are we done yet?

Ramy: Ramy Dusotes. Please pardon my partner's insanity.


2. Do you know why you were named that?

Runge: Because my dad was drunk and my mom went with it. Or something. Best guess.

Ramy: My parents never really told me. They never told me a lot of things, actually.


 3. Are you single or taken?

Runge: Never single, never taken. Wink wink.

Ramy: Single, and it'll remain that way until I get off this nasty ball of towers and settle on a more civilized world.


4. Have any abilities or powers?

Runge: I can down a bunch of ale and still pop somebody from the distance with a sniper rifle. I'm sturdy like that.

Ramy: Hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship. I can also do aerial combat pretty good. It's a necessity for a planet like this. As for powers...could sarcasm be considered a power?


5. Flaws?

Runge: The fact that I don't have women hanging all over me at every waking moment is an issue. Not wealthy enough, either.

Ramy: I get mad at Runge a lot. Or is that a reasonable reaction to constant immaturity?


6. What's your eye color? 

Runge: Blue.

Ramy: Green.


7. How about hair color? 

Runge: Blue.

Ramy: Brownish with two tones. Kinda stripy looking. It's natural, too.


8. Have you have any family members?

Runge: Yes.

Ramy: Next question.


9. Oh? How about pets?

Runge: Last one died when I was 7. It's probably still sitting on my old desk.

Ramy: Nope. And pet rocks don't count, Runge.

Runge: It was a little robotic rodent, thank you very much. Maybe I threw it against the wall too many times. I could never do that with live pets.

Ramy: Yeah, that'll do it.


10. Something you don't like.

Runge: Fat chicks, poverty, Ramy, weaponized plagues, and Ramy. I think all of those except poverty might be the same thing. I'm still debating on that.

Ramy: Stupidity, immaturity, rudeness, losing, and narcissists. Guess who.


11. Alright, alright, enough. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?

Runge: No, I'll say when it's ENOUGH. Uhhh...I like to visit bars, clubs, adult joints, and shoot thugs (in games and not-so-games).

Ramy: I like to read in my spare time. I also do a lot of social networking and some gaming. It takes my mind off the daily grind. Heh. Heh heh.

Runge: Ramy rhymed. Well-timed.


12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?

Runge: I don't think I can count that high. Same goes for the number of farts I give about it.

Ramy: Aside from the physical results of my actions as a bounty hunter, I try not to. I'm not fond of making unnecessary enemies.


13. Ever... killed anyone before?

Runge: Just about every week. As a bounty hunter working in a crime pit like Riesel, these things are a given. Dirt naps for everyone!

Ramy: Yes, but it's not something I enjoy. I'd rather bring them back alive. Usually pays more, too.


14. What kind of species are you (Human, Prototype, Hybrid, Animal, Werewolf, Witch, etc...)?

Runge: Sirukti. You know, the dingo people who eat babies. At least that's what the Humans joke about all the time. I never understood it. Stupid Humans. Stupid Human jokes. Stupid Ramy.

Ramy: Lonkapi. Humans say we resemble wolf people. I dunno how they get that connection. Earth wolves are hideous.


15. Name your worst habits?

Runge: None at all.

Ramy: Maybe I'm too sensitive. I get mad a lot. B-but I'm not a physical manifestation of anger. I can be nice! I like being nice! Just as long as people are nice to me.


16. Do you look up to anyone?

Runge: Only when my mirror is elevated.

Ramy: On this planet? Not really...although Sig might count. He's annoying, though.


17. Are you Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Pansexual, etc.?


Ramy: There's a guy for me out there somewhere, but it's nowhere near this planet. I guess you could say asexual for now.


18. Do you go to school?

Runge: At one point, yes. It sucked.

Ramy: Did some college.


19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?

Runge: And give up this life of wanton self-indulgence? You're joking, right?

Ramy: Too soon to say, but only after I can kiss the jerks on Riesel goodbye.


20. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?

Runge: I dunno, but I have plenty of enemies. Jerks.

Ramy: I have a few admirers on the Internet. Does that count?


21. What are you most afraid of?

Runge: Being poor, which is why I work hard at my job.

Ramy: Being stuck on Riesel for the rest of my life, and being stuck with Runge.

Runge: You know you love it.


22. What do you usually wear?

Runge: A simple shirt, pants, combat belt, and giant grin.

Ramy: Usually a green tank top, camo pants, tactical belt, and army boots. I dunno, I just like it. Kinda standard for bounty hunters here, really.


23. What's one food that tempts you?

Runge: You mean besides something intoxicating? Most snacky things that can be found at a bar.

Ramy: Oh man...give me a spicy burger any day.


24. Am I annoying you?

Runge: Yes.

Ramy: Eh?


25. Well, it's still not over!


Ramy: Okay...


26. What class are you? Low class, middle class, high class?

Runge: Not as high as I'd like to be. Getting there, slowly but surely.

Ramy: Depends on who you're comparing me to.


27. How many friends do you have?

Runge: Enough.

Ramy: A few on the Internet, a handful of which I know in real life. It's always nice to get together and do stuff.


28. What are your thoughts on pie?

Runge: It's a complicated issue that I think the government needs to address.

Ramy: I love pie! Especially beskedar pie...which is basically like chocolate, I hear.


30. Favorite drink?

Runge: Alcohol. Any. Where's #29? I feel cheated.

Ramy: Usually fruit juice or soda. I also like coffee.


31. What's your favorite place?

Runge: Riesel.

Ramy: A place that isn't Riesel. I'll have to say Audonika since it's where I grew up. That planet has some good scenery.


32. Are you interested in anyone?

Runge: If she's hot, yes.

Ramy: No one yet.


34. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?

Runge: What kind of question is that? And what happened to question 33?

Ramy: Ehhh...lake? And yeah, what happened to 33? 29 was missing, too. You could count 25 as a loss as well.


35. What's your type?

Runge: See #32.

Ramy: The non-macho type. Preferably one that possesses a brain.


36. Any fetishes?


Ramy: I'd rather not go there. Again, I apologize for Runge's insanity.


37. Camping or indoors? 

Runge: Yes.

Ramy: Probably camping. The base gets stuffy real easy.


38. Are you still wanting the quiz to end?

Runge: I'm still wondering why it started.

Ramy: I didn't say I wanted it to.


 39. Well, it's over! Now tag four people!

Runge: FINALLY. I'm gonna go nuke some noobs on a combat game.

Ramy: Wow, really? I think new questions are needed in memoriam of 25, 29 and 33. How heartless.